Journal of the UMALCA

The Journal

The title of the journal reflects the modern historical evolution of mathematics. Orbita in Classical Latin originally meant: “the track left by a wheel or a way well-worn by one’s ancestors”, representing how Cicero saw the knowledge and philosophy endowed from the Hellenistic world and how we all begin learning mathematics. The Renaissance brought another meaning for the Latin word Orbita: “the path of a celestial body when it revolves around another body due to their mutual gravitational attraction”, as it is testified by Copernicus’ seminal manuscript: “De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium” and, obviously, by Kepler and Newton works on the laws of motion and gravitation. Finally, modern times added a new meaning to the Latin Orbita: “the sphere of influence”. Obviously, all sciences belong now to the Orbita Mathematicae.

The journal Orbita Mathematicae publishes original research articles of the highest level, both from the region and from the rest of the world, and aims to position itself among the most prestigious journals internationally. Thus the mathematical research of the highest level in Latin America and the Caribbean has a publishing option originating in the region and with high global impact.

A wide variety of areas are represented on the Editorial Board. The journal is run by a Managing Committee nominated by the Comisión Directiva of UMALCA and appointed by the General Assembly of UMALCA.

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Managing editors


  • Guillermo Cortiñas, UBA and CONICET, Argentina
  • Helena Nussenzveig Lopes, UFRJ, Brazil
  • Eduardo S. Zeron, CINVESTAV, Mexico

Associate editors

  1. Carolina Araujo, IMPA, Brazil.
    Algebraic geometry.
  2. Graciela Boente, IC, CONICET and Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  3. Henrique Bursztyn, IMPA, Brazil.
    Symplectic geometry.
  4. María Emilia Caballero, Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM, Mexico.
    Probability, stochastic processes, statistics, simulation.
  5. Hector D. Ceniceros, UCSB, USA.
    Numerical analysis, soft materials and complex fluids, free boundary problems, data Science.
  6. Felipe Cucker, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
    Foundational aspects of numerical algorithms, earning theory, mathematics of emergent behavior.
  7. Juan Carlos de los Reyes, MODEMAT, EPN, Ecuador.
    PDE-constrained optimization, bilevel optimization, mathematical imaging, data Assimilation.
  8. Alicia Dickenstein, CONICET and Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
    Algebraic geometry and its applications.
  9. Carlos Di Prisco, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.
    Logic, set theory.
  10. Germán Enciso, UC Irvine, USA.
  11. Bernhard Keller, Université Paris Cité, France.
    Homological algebra, representation theory
  12. Michal Kowalczyk, Centro de Modelamiento Matemático, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
    Differential equations.
  13. Antonio Laface, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.
    Algebraic geometry.
  1. Jorge Lauret, CIEM-FAMAF, Argentina.
    Differential Geometry and Lie groups.
  2. Facundo Mémoli, The Ohio State University, USA.
    Metric geometry, topology, probability, applications to science and engineering.
  3. Antonio Montalbán, UC Berkeley, USA.
    Logic, computability theory.
  4. Andrea Nahmod, UMass, Amherst, USA.
    Nonlinear Fourier analysis, harmonic analysis, nonlinear partial differential equations.
  5. Luis Núñez Betancourt, CIMAT, México.
    Commutative algebra.
  6. Angélica M. Osorno, Reed College, USA.
    Algebraic topology, Category Theory.
  7. Héctor Pasten, UC, Chile.
    Number theory.
  8. Jimmy Petean, CIMAT, México.
    Differential geometry.
  9. Sylvie Paycha, Universität Potsdam, Germany.
    Renormalisation, pseudo-differential operators, index theory, infinite dimensional geometry.
  10. Enrique Pujals, CUNY, USA.
    Dynamical systems.
  11. Maya Stein, Centro de Modelamiento Matemático, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
    Algorithms, combinatorics.
  12. Andreas Berthold Thom, T.U. Dresden, Germany.
    Group theory, functional Analysis, geometry.
  13. Maria Eulália Vares, UFRJ, Brazil.


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MSP firma acuerdo con Umalca para publicación de Orbita Mathematicae

El día de hoy la presidenta de Umalca, prof. Liliana Forzani, y Alex Scorpan director ejecutivo de MSP (Mathematical Science Publishers) firmaron un acuerdo, efectivo a partir del primero de septiembre de 2022, por el cual MSP se encargará de la publicación de Orbita Mathematicae.


UMALCA is an association of mathematical societies of Latin America and the Caribbean. With a history as an informal union spanning over 25 years, it has recently been incorporated in Santa Fe, Argentina, as a nonprofit corporation.

UMALCA’s mission is to promote mathematics in the region, and in particular to highlight the mathematical research that is done here. In this context we have decided to create the research journal Orbita Mathematicae.

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